I'm trying to call some variable names using rlang
and tidyselect
from f1()
to f2()
. But it doesn't print.
db <- tibble(
D = as.factor(rbinom(10, size=1, p=0.7)),
X1 = 10*rnorm(10),
CRT1 = 15*rnorm(10),
CRT2 = 12*rnorm(10))
f1 <- function(data, varname){
#Can I use in this function `tidyselect` syntax Like f2()?
varname = enquo(varname)
sdf <- data %>%
group_by(D) %>% ### ---- D variable called in f2()
summarise(a = mean(!!varname),
b = sd(!!varname), .groups = "drop")
list(evl = (sum(sdf$b) > 0), df = data)
f2 <- function(data, controls){
controls = enexpr(controls)
cols <- tidyselect::eval_select(controls, data)
col_nms <- names(cols)
res = f1(data, X1) ### ---- X1 variable called in f2()
if (res$evl) {
data = res$df
printf("The variable calculated is %s
and the variable grouped %s \n\n", names(data$X1), names(data$D))
for (i in col_nms) {
printf("The control variable is %s,grouped by %s, and calulated by %s \n", i, names(data$D), names(data$X1))
f2(db, controls = c("CRT1", "CRT2"))
Other question: Can I use in f1
function tidyselect
syntax like f2()
I need print variable names/values using the output from f1()
f2 <- function(data, controls){
controls = enexpr(controls)
cols <- tidyselect::eval_select(controls, data)
col_nms <- names(cols)
res = f1(data, X1) ### ---- X1 variable called on f2()
if (res$evl) {
data = res$df
printf("The variable calculated is %s
and the variable grouped %s \n\n", names(data$X1), names(data$D))
for (i in col_nms) {
printf("The control variable is %s,grouped by %s, and calulated by %s.
The first value of %s is %f \n",
i, names(data$D), names(data$X1), names(data$D), data[1,2])
#The variable calculated is X1
#and the variable grouped D
#The control variable is CRT1, grouped by D and calulated by X1. The first value of D is 21.6.
#The control variable is CRT2 grouped by D and calulated by X1 The first value of D is 21.6
Since both X1
and D
are hardcoded into your function, there's no reason to do something more elaborate than using those strings. I changed a couple things here and there too:
f1 <- function(data, varname){
#Can I use in this function `tidyselect` syntax Like f2()?
sdf <- data %>%
group_by(D) %>% ### ---- D variable called in f2()
summarise(a = mean({{varname}}),
b = sd({{varname}}), .groups = "drop")
list(evl = (sum(sdf$b) > 0), df = data)
f2 <- function(data, controls){
cols <- data %>% select({{controls}})
col_nms <- names(cols)
res = f1(data, X1) ### ---- X1 variable called in f2()
if (res$evl) {
data = res$df
printf("The variable calculated is %s
and the variable grouped %s \n\n", 'X1', 'D')
for (i in col_nms) {
printf("The control variable is %s,grouped by %s, and calulated by %s \n", i, 'D', 'X1')
If you need something more abstract, please edit your example accordingly
The variable calculated is X1
and the variable grouped D
The control variable is CRT1,grouped by D, and calulated by X1
The control variable is CRT2,grouped by D, and calulated by X1