High level overview: different types of events are published to the same kinesis stream: OrderCreated, OrderUpdated, CustomerCreated, etc.
Those messages are to be consumed by a Spring Cloud Stream application by writing some Consumer functions and exposing them as beans (Functional style).
I could expose a message handler as java.util.function.Consumer to process all those messages in the scenario the message format was similar to the following 'generic' one:
Message {
String type;
Object payload;
However, I want to know if I can have different message handlers/consumers to process each type of event from the same stream name, something like this:
Consumer<OrderCreated> processOrderCreatedEvent(SomeReceiver receiver) {
return receiver::receive;
Consumer<OrderCreated> processCustomerCreatedEvent(SomeOtherReceiver receiver) {
return receiver::receive;
definition: processOrderCreatedEvent;processCustomerCreatedEvent
destination: 'events-stream-name'
destination: 'events-stream-name'
I have not been able to make this work, so not sure if this is possible.
I think you are looking for Event Routing feature - https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-stream/docs/3.2.5-SNAPSHOT/reference/html/spring-cloud-stream.html#_event_routing
You can have individual functions for each event type and than have routing function consume everything and distribute between the functions based on your routing instructions.