I am trying to generate new table from existing dataset in postgres db as below, hope someone can assist on my query to generate new table that takes latest value from url 1 and gets remaining columns group by
available table :
name | type | url1 | url2 | date | days |
First | online | http1 | abclink1 | 2022-01-01 | 1 |
First | online | http2. | abclink1 | 2022-01-25 | 4 |
Second | offline | http10. | xyzlink232r4 | 2022-01-12 | 1 |
new table needed is as below - First, group by should only be applicable on name and type and give http2 for url1 as that is the latest value based on date.
name | type | url1 | url2 | date | Max days |
First | online | http2. | abclink1 | 2022-01-25 | 4 |
Second | offline | http10. | xyzlink232r4 | 2022-01-12 | 1 |
Tried with group by name, type, url1, url2 and it returns same 3 rows as they form separate group due to varying url1 for same name. None of the columns are unique in this table.
select name, type, url1, url2,max(date), max(days) from table
group by name, type, url1, url2
SELECT name,
rank() over (partition by name, type order by days desc, date desc) as rank
FROM xyz
) tab
WHERE rank = 1;