I encountered IndexOutOfRangeException issue when using IDataReader in C#. Below are my sample code. The code thrown me the Exception when it executed the functions of GetDataValue.
public List<Users> SelectUsersbyUsernamePassword(string username, string password)
const string SQL_STATEMENT =
"SELECT U.Username, U.Password, U.Role " +
"FROM Users U ";
List<Users> listusers = new List<Users>();
Database db = new Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Sql.SqlDatabase(CONNECTION_NAME);
using (DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(SQL_STATEMENT))
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@username", DbType.String, username);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@password", DbType.String, password);
using (IDataReader dr = db.ExecuteReader(cmd))
while (dr.Read())
Users users = new Users();
users.UserID = base.GetDataValue<int>(dr, "UserID");
users.Username = base.GetDataValue<string>(dr, "Username");
users.Password = base.GetDataValue<string>(dr, "Password");
users.Role = base.GetDataValue<string>(dr, "Role");
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
//throw new DbException(ex.Message, SQL_STATEMENT, "username = " + username, ex.InnerException);
return listusers;
Data Access
protected T GetDataValue<T>(IDataReader dr, string columnName)
int i = dr.GetOrdinal(columnName);
if (!dr.IsDBNull(i))
return (T)dr.GetValue(i);
return default(T);
As per commented from @Dai, the IndexOutOfRangeException Problem had been resolved and it is due to the SELECT query not getting the correct column.
// Read values.
users.UserID = base.GetDataValue<int>(dr, "UserID");
users.Username = base.GetDataValue<string>(dr, "Username");
users.Password = base.GetDataValue<string>(dr, "Password");
users.Role = base.GetDataValue<string>(dr, "Role");
SQL Query (To Be)
const string SQL_STATEMENT =
"SELECT U.UserID, U.Username, U.Password, U.Role " +
"FROM Users U " +