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IDENTITY_INSERT Error in table I am not even trying to Insert?

I am getting this Error:

SqlException: Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Unterwerke' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.

..when I am Trying to insert something into the table "Clients". Every Client has 1 Unterwerk but i am never inserting an Unterwerk in my code.

This is how I insert the client:

public void Insert(Client entity)

Here's the Client object:

public async void addClient()
            Client client;
            client = new Client();
            client.Hostname = newHostname;
            client.IP = newIP;
            client.MAC = newMAC;
            client.Subnetmask = newSubnet;
            client.Gateway = newGateway;

            using (var repo = new UnterwerkRepository(contextFactory.CreateDbContext()))
                client.Unterwerk = await repo.GetById(newUW);

            using (var repo = new ClientRepository(contextFactory.CreateDbContext()))


  • In your client model, you should define the Unterwerk like this (foreign key convention):

    class Client 
        public Unterwerk Unterwerk {get;set;}
        public int UnterwerkId {get;set;}

    and when you inserting a client just fill the UnterwerkId property that you got from the UnterwerkRepository.