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Cypress - Is it possible to verify text in prompt?

Is it possible to verify 'what's your sign'text in prompt? Alert and Confirm can be verified text, but prompt I wonder if possible?

enter image description here


  • You can set up a stub before the action that triggers the prompt:


    let stub;
    cy.window().then(win => {
      stub = cy.stub(win, 'prompt').returns(' World')  // types this value 
    cy.wrap(stub).should(() => {
      expect(stub).to.have.been.calledWith('Hello') // argument is the message
                                                    // displayed in the prompt

    A simple app that prompts after 2 seconds:

      <div>Hello </div>
        setTimeout(() => {
          const result = window.prompt('Hello')
          const div = document.querySelector('div')
          div.innerText += result 
        }, 2000)

    This can be tested with

    let stub;
    cy.visit('', {   
      onBeforeLoad: (win) => {
        stub = cy.stub(win, 'prompt').returns(' World')
    cy.get('div').should('contain', 'Hello World')   // checks the result added to page
    cy.wrap(stub).should(() => {

    Cancel button

    To test the cancel button being pressed, substitute

    stub = cy.stub(win, 'prompt').callsFake(() => null)