I am building a game like breakout - a simple brick-breaker game with pygame. My problem is, i tried a rect bouncing off walls and a rect in the middle (or near) the screen and this works without any problems. Now I tried the same with a circle as a ball because it looks better and is more realistic to a brick-breaker. how can I fix, that the drawn circle bounces off the rectangle? Because on the walls, the circle bounces off.
import pygame, sys
def bouncing_rect():
#die Variablen für die Geschwindigkeit global festlegen
global x_speed, y_speed
#Das "bewegende Objekt" mit der dazugehörigen Geschwindigkeit
moving_rect.x += x_speed
moving_rect.y += y_speed
#Berührung mit der Wand
if moving_rect.right >=screen_width or moving_rect.left <=0:
x_speed *= -1
if moving_rect.bottom >=screen_height or moving_rect.top <=0:
y_speed *= -1
#Hier werden die beiden Objekte, in diesem Fall Rechtecke gezeichnet
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255,0,255),moving_rect) #hier wird gearbietet grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0,0,255),other_rect)
#Berührung der Beiden Quadrate
if moving_rect.colliderect(other_rect):
if abs(other_rect.top - moving_rect.bottom) < collision_tolerance:
y_speed *=-1
if abs(other_rect.bottom - moving_rect.top) < collision_tolerance:
y_speed *=-1
if abs(other_rect.right - moving_rect.left) < collision_tolerance:
x_speed *=-1
if abs(other_rect.left - moving_rect.right) < collision_tolerance:
x_speed *=-1
def bouncing_circle():
global xv,yv,x,y
boooo = pygame.draw.circle(screen,'green',(x,y),40)
var = boooo[0] #topright
var1 = boooo[1] #topleft
var2 = boooo[2] #bottomleft
var3 = boooo[3] #bottomright
x += xv
y += yv
if x>1880 or x<40:
xv *= -1
if y>1040 or y<40:
yv *= -1
if boooo.colliderect(other_rect):
if abs(other_rect.top - var2) or abs(other_rect.top-var3)< collision_tolerance:
xv *=-1
# if abs(other_rect.top - var3 ) < collision_tolerance:
# yv *=-1
if abs(other_rect.bottom - var) or abs(other_rect.bottom - var1)< collision_tolerance:
xv *=-1
# if abs(other_rect.bottom - var1) < collision_tolerance:
# yv *=-1
if abs(other_rect.right - var1) or abs(other_rect.right - var2)< collision_tolerance:
yv *=-1
# if abs(other_rect.right - var2) < collision_tolerance:
# xv *=-1
if abs(other_rect.left - var) or abs(other_rect.left - var3) < collision_tolerance:
yv *=-1
# if abs(other_rect.left - var3) < collision_tolerance:
# xv *=-1
#Fenster erstellen
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width,screen_height))
#Allgemeine Einstellungen
pygame.display.set_caption("Marcels bahnbrechender Brick-Breaker")
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
x,y=200,200 #Kreiskoordinaten
xv,yv=5,4 #Kreis Geschwindigkeit in x-Richtung
other_rect_x,other_rect_y=850,500 #Koordinaten vom 4eck dass ich steuere
moving_rect = pygame.Rect(250,250,100,100) #Bewegendes quadrat zukünftig ball
x_speed, y_speed = 5,4 #dessen speed
other_rect = pygame.Rect(other_rect_x,other_rect_y,200,100) #statisches rechteck
balken=pygame.mouse.set_pos(960, 540)
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type==pygame.QUIT:
if event.type==pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key==pygame.K_RIGHT:
other_rect_x += 20
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255,0,255),moving_rect)
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0,0,255),(other_rect))
The statement
if abs(other_rect.top - var2) or abs(other_rect.top-var3)< collision_tolerance:
checks if bool value of abs(other_rect.top - var2) is true or the second condition is fulfilled, not if either abs value is smaller than collision_tolerance. Try doing
if abs(other_rect.top - var2)<collision_tolerance or abs(other_rect.top-var3)< collision_tolerance:
the second problem is the "less than" symbol <
. It triggers only after the circle is closer to an object than it should. I would suggest to change it to <=
The third problem is the ambigous checking of the trigger conditions. I would change
var = boooo[0] #topright
var1 = boooo[1] #topleft
var2 = boooo[2] #bottomleft
var3 = boooo[3] #bottomright
var1 = boooo[1] #topleft
var2 = boooo[2] #bottomleft
var3 = boooo[3] #bottomright
and change the if statements accordingly.