This is a simple request. I have to create a column in query editor, or in table view. Whichever is easy.
Column looks like this -->
Result should be based on count of characters present, with 'A' character always taking the priority. For instance result of the above column next to it will be
A ( A will take priority even if D has most count)
A (Even though B has most count, A will take Priority)
C ( as C has most count)
E ( as E has most count)
Result =
VAR String = COALESCE ( 'Table'[Column], "XX" )
VAR Items = SUBSTITUTE ( String, ",", "|" )
VAR Length = PATHLENGTH ( Items )
VAR T1 = GENERATESERIES ( 1, Length, 1 )
VAR T2 = ADDCOLUMNS ( T1, "@Item", PATHITEM ( Items, [Value] ) )
VAR T3 = GROUPBY ( T2, [@Item], "@Count", COUNTX ( CURRENTGROUP(), 1 ) )
VAR T4 = TOPN ( 1, T3, [@Count] )
VAR Result = MAXX ( T4, [@Item] )
IF ( PATHCONTAINS ( Items, "A" ), "A", Result )