How would I handle poison messages when not using WCF? The code below creates a loop, and I was curious if MSMQ provided a system to automatically handle poison messages.
MessageQueue mq = new MessageQueue(@".\Private$\My/Queue");
while (true)
using (MessageQueueTransaction _transaction =
new MessageQueueTransaction())
Message msg = mq.Receive(_transaction);
throw new Exception("Kaboom!");
catch (Exception ex)
I don't believe there is a simple way to handle poison messages using raw System.Messaging classes. I think the simplest solution is to set the "TimeToBeReceived" property on a message, but this is not perfect, because you may end up losing valid messages if the receiver is offline. I read somewhere that you can have real poison message handling in MSMQ using PInvoke, but was unable to find any resources on this.
I found this article with some ideas on how to manually handle poison messages. It might offer some ideas: