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Cypress Typescript: How do I get a certain value from dataTable?

I have this data table, with a list of cause (state) and effect (message) that I want to check in the scenario.

Given user inputs "<state>" and sees "<message>" message
        | state       | message      |
        | Deactivated | error        |
        | Taken       | error        |
        | Unused      | confirmation |

I tried to use this script but it's just executing all below state instead of also executing message actions.

Given(‘user inputs {string} and sees {string} message’, (dataTable: DataTable) => {

dataTable.hashes().forEach(elem =>{
        if(elem.state == 'Deactivated') {
        } else if(elem.state == 'Taken') {
        } else if(elem.state == 'Unused') {
        } else {
            throw new Error("No state defined")

dataTable.hashes().forEach(elem =>{
        if(elem.message == 'error') {
        } else if(elem.message == 'confirmation') {
        } else {
            throw new Error("No state defined")

The same thing happens when I change .forEach() to .map(). :/


  • If I understand correctly, you want the 2nd loop to access "message", if so it looks more like a typo - you reference elem.state instead of elem.message.

    dataTable.hashes().forEach(elem => {
      if (elem.message === 'error') {
      } else if (elem.message === 'confirmation') {
      } else {
        throw new Error("No state defined")