I have a list like this:
[{'migs_ba': 'O',
'migs_eu': 'O',
'migs_org': 'O',
'migs_pl': 'O',
'migs_vi': 'O',
'mimag': 'EM',
'mimarks_c': 'O',
'mimarks_s': 'EM',
'mims': 'EM',
'misag': 'EM',
'miuvig': 'EM'},
{'migs_ba': 'O',
'migs_eu': 'O',
'migs_org': 'O',
'migs_pl': 'O',
'migs_vi': 'O',
'mimag': 'EM',
'mimarks_c': 'O',
'mimarks_s': 'EM',
'mims': 'EM',
'misag': 'EM',
'miuvig': 'EM'}...
I would like to tabulate all of the strings that appear as values of any key in that list of dicts, like this
{"O": 12, "EM": 10}
this should work considering you name your list "elements"
from collections import Counter
counter = Counter([val for ele in elements for val in ele.values()])
Counter({'O': 12, 'EM': 10})
Note the counter inherits from dict, and has all methods and behaviour of it