<input datatype="1" id="me9f88f1d-tb" aria-readonly="true" role="textbox" class="fld text text fld fld_ro" ctype="textbox" li="me9f88f1d-img" maxlength="10" style=";width:12.100000000000001ch;" sue="1" tabindex="-1" readonly="readonly" type="text" value="3510823" work="1" title="3510823" originalvalue="3510823" prekeyvalue="3510823" stoptcclick="true">
I have an input in which I'm trying to capture the text by value="3510823" or title="3510823" and store it in a variable through Playwright (Python)
reg = page.wait_for_selector("#me9f88f1d-tb").text_content()
print (reg)
There is no error, however, the print is blank.
I would like to store the value, in this case "3510823" in a variable
(Translated by Google Translate)
Managed to capture the value, with:
selector = '(//input[@id="me9f88f1d-tb"])[1]'
reg_dup = page.eval_on_selector(selector, "(element) => element.value")