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How to start Slick Slider from Left in center mode

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Hey Stackoverflow members. I have a slick slider. i want to start from left. Is there any way with centermode: true. Because center is essential. Here is the codepen demo link below. I want slider number 1 to start from left and if it goes to slider 2 it must be on center.

I am trying to create a section like this in Our teams and tools section in this link:

Codepen Demo Link

        dots: true,
    infinite: false,
        centerMode: true,
        slidesToShow: 3,
        slidesToScroll: 1,
   variableWidth: true


  • Complete HTML, CSS, jQuery Code

    jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
      jQuery("ul.tabs li").on("click", function(){
        jQuery("ul.tabs li").removeClass("active");
      var slideWidth = jQuery('.tabs').outerWidth()
          infinite: false,
          slidesToShow: 7,
          slidesToScroll: 7,
          dots: false,
          arrows: true,
          variableWidth: true,
          focusOnSelect: true,
          centerMode: true,
          centerPadding: slideWidth,
          draggable: true,
          swipeToSlide: true,
      jQuery(".tabs .slick-track").addClass("removeTransform");
      jQuery(".tabs .slick-slide").click(function(){
          var getid = jQuery(this).data('slick-index');
          if( getid > 3 ) {
              jQuery(".tabs .slick-track").removeClass("removeTransform");
          else {
              jQuery(".tabs .slick-track").addClass("removeTransform");
    ul.tabs {
        list-style-type: none;
        display: flex;
        margin: 0;
    ul.tabs li {
        padding: 10px 30px;
        background: #E6E6E6;
        border-radius: 32px;
        color: #000000;
        font-size: 18px;
        margin-right: 15px;
        cursor: pointer;
    ul.tabs li:last-child {
        margin-right: 0;
    ul.tabs {
        color: #E7FE78;
        background: #F15E22;
    ul.tabs .removeTransform {
        transform: none !important;
    <script src="//"></script>
    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <script src="//"></script>
     <ul class="tabs">
      <li data-id="fb" class="active">F&B</li>
      <li data-id="social">Social</li>
      <li data-id="web3">Web3</li>
      <li data-id="fecomb">E-Com</li>
      <li data-id="edtech">EdTech</li>
      <li data-id="medtech">MedTech</li>
      <li data-id="fintech">FinTech</li>
      <li data-id="fintech">FinTech 2</li>
      <li data-id="fintech">FinTech 3</li>
      <li data-id="fintech">FinTech 4</li>
      <li data-id="social">Social</li>
      <li data-id="web3">Web3</li>
      <li data-id="fecomb">E-Com</li>
      <li data-id="edtech">EdTech</li>
      <li data-id="medtech">MedTech</li>
      <li data-id="fintech">FinTech</li>
      <li data-id="fintech">FinTech 2</li>
      <li data-id="fintech">FinTech 3</li>
      <li data-id="fintech">FinTech 4</li>