I want to be able to navigate to the same component (DetailsComponent) from 2 other different components (Home and CategoryAppsComponent), and change a couple UI elements based on a flag/boolean prop, depending on when the navigation is coming from.
I got it working using the state prop of the Router navigate method like so:
On Home.ts and on CategoryAppsComponent.ts where the navigation happens, respectively:
this.router.navigate(["home", "details", id], { state: { categoryAppsHeader: false } });
this.router.navigate(["home", "details", id], { state: { categoryAppsHeader: true } });
And then on the DetailsComponent.ts I assign the value to a prop which I then use an ngIf on the respective HTML to show or hide the headers:
this.categoryAppsHeader = this.router.getCurrentNavigation().extras.state["categoryAppsHeader"]
This is the solution I found because although DetailsComponent is a direct child of HomeComponent on the routes, CategoryAppsComponent is not, so I can't just pass a property through the HTML.
However this created a problem - when I click on one of the cards of DetailsComponent (please refer to the routes.ts file down below), from either the Home page or the CategoryAppsComponent, and I refresh the page, Angular sends me to the Home page instead, as if the route did not exist (example route could be localhost:4200/home/details/123).
I guess this has to do with the state prop because before I implemented it, I had the refresh working.
The last route down below was me attempting to make it work with the data prop but I was unsuccessful, I left it in because maybe someone knows a solve using it.
export const routes: Route = {
path: `home`,
component: HomeComponent,
children: [
path: "details/:id",
component: DetailsComponent,
path: "categories",
children: [
path: "",
pathMatch: "full",
component: CategoriesComponent,
path: ":categoryId/apps",
component: CategoryAppsComponent,
path: "apps/:appId",
component: DetailsComponent,
data: {
categoryAppsHeader: true,
I am sorry if the explanation is a bit confusing or if I haven't provided enough information, please let me know if you have any doubts about the implementation so that hopefully you can help me out. Any help is appreciated, thank you :)
Answering for future reference and in case anyone has the same doubt and understands my (bad) explanation up top:
I managed to do what I wanted by fixing the last route as such:
path: ":categoryId/apps/:id",
component: DetailsComponent,
data: {
categoryAppsHeader: true
And then on DetailsComponent's constructor accessing the true flag and storing it on a variable like such (and using that boolean on the template):
this.categoryAppsHeader = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.data["categoryAppsHeader"];
P.S: Some bonus info, I managed to implement the "Go back" button by accessing the URL, splitting it into an array and removing the unwanted strings:
this.router.navigate(window.location.pathname.split("/").slice(1, -1))
Thank you