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How to set null config values in helm charts via pulumi

I'm trying to configure a helm chart via pulumi and golang. According to the helm chart documentation default components can be removed by setting the config to null. I managed to set the desired config values for the helm chart in my pulumi script, but it's not possible to set config values to null.


It seems that the custom abstraction layer on top of the pulumi helm chart resource could not handle the config. I have added a minimal working example which uses the helm chart resource directly and its working as expected:

package main

import (
    helmv3 ""

func main() {
    pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
        _, err := helmv3.NewChart(ctx, "otel-collect", helmv3.ChartArgs{
            Chart:   pulumi.String("opentelemetry-collector"),
            Version: pulumi.String("0.31.1"),
            FetchArgs: helmv3.FetchArgs{
                Repo: pulumi.String(""),
            Values: pulumi.Map{
                "fullnameOverride": pulumi.String("otel-collector"),
                "mode":             pulumi.String("deployment"),
                "config": pulumi.Map{
                    "receivers": pulumi.Map{
                        "jaeger": pulumi.Map{
                            "protocols": pulumi.Map{
                                "thrift_compact": nil,
                        "prometheus": nil,
                    "service": pulumi.Map{
                        "pipelines": pulumi.Map{
                            "metrics": nil,
        if err != nil {
            return err

        return nil

In this scenario I want to set the prometheus config to null but when this chart is deployed the default values for prometheus are set. I have also tried "prometheus": pulumi.Any(nil), but this also does not change the config.


  • The issue was caused by an abstraction layer I put on top of the pulumi helm resources.