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Python envisage framework

I just started with envisage framework. In the 4.x version I saw a few example, but I need a good documentation: link.

How can I add custom buttons to the envisage workbench, or how can I create a similar one?


  • The best place look for documentation is the Acmelab example in the Envisage source tree.

    I'm assuming when you talk about custom buttons you mean buttons on a toolbar. First you need to create a WorkbenchActionSet, add your toolbar there, and then define your actions and assign them a button image. Here is the (slightly modified) Acmelab example with non-relevant parts taken out:

    # Enthought library imports.
    from envisage.ui.action.api import Action, Group, Menu, ToolBar
    from envisage.ui.workbench.api import WorkbenchActionSet
    class TestActionSet(WorkbenchActionSet):
        """ An action test useful for testing. """
        #### 'ActionSet' interface ################################################
        tool_bars = [
            ToolBar(name='Fred', groups=['AToolBarGroup']),
        actions = [

    """ An action that dynamically creates and adds a view. """
    # Enthought library imports.
    from pyface.api import ImageResource
    from pyface.action.api import Action
    from pyface.workbench.api import View
    class NewViewAction(Action):
        """ An action that dynamically creates and adds a view. """
        #### 'Action' interface ###################################################
        # A longer description of the action.
        description = 'Create and add a new view'
        # The action's name (displayed on menus/tool bar tools etc).
        name = 'New View'
        # A short description of the action used for tooltip text etc.
        tooltip = 'Create and add a new view'
        image = ImageResource(Your Image File Name Goes Here)
        # 'Action' interface.
        def perform(self, event):
            """ Perform the action. """
        # You can give the view a position... (it default to 'left')...
        view = View(id='my.view.fred', name='Fred', position='right')
        # or you can specify it on the call to 'add_view'...
        view = View(id='my.view.wilma', name='Wilma')
        self.window.add_view(view, position='top')
    #### EOF ######################################################################