When porting to a new Yocto Honister distro and the meta-xilinx
metalayer xlnx-rel-v2022.1_update2
, the base.dtbo
device tree overlay is not generated anymore for dynamic FPGA reprogramming. How do I get the generation running again?
TL;DR: Add fpga-overlay
The dynamic reconfigurator fpga-manager
, recipe fpga-manager-util.bb
creates the base.dtbo
from the file pl-final.dtbo
. This file has to be created from the device-tree.bb
recipe. For the pl-final.dtbo
to exist, a pl-final.dts
has to be created via the call xsct -sdx -nodisp dtgen.tcl ... -yamlconf device-tree.yaml
. The referenced YAML file contains the information, whether pl-final.dts
has to be generated.
This YAML file is generated via bitbake -c create_yaml device-tree
. Whether the pl-final.dts
is created, is queried by the variable YAML_ENABLE_DT_OVERLAY
. In the old meta-xilinx layer, this was tied to FPGA_MNGR_RECONFIG_ENABLE
, which was active by default. In the new xlnx-rel-v2022.1_update2
layer, this is tied to fpga-overlay
being in your MACHINE_FEATURES
So to get the base.dtbo
again, add fpga-overlay