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How do I allow uppercase flags in Clap?

For my RUST program, I am using Clap to parse my command line arguments. I want to let users input flags like so:

my_program -L testfile.txt

I set up my struct like so:

struct Args {
    L: bool,

    s: bool,

    name: String,

When I test out my program, it gives me this error:

error: Found argument '-L' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context.

I can't use ignore_case() either, since this is a flag and doesn't take a value.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?


  • From Arg Attributes in the clap derive documentation:

    short [= <char>]: Arg::short

    • When not present: no short set
    • Without <char>: defaults to first character in the case-converted field name
    use clap::Parser;
    #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
    struct Cli {
        #[arg(short = 'L')]
        L: bool,
        s: bool,
        name: String,
    fn main() {
        let args = Cli::parse();

    Built executable help:

    Usage: xxxxxx [OPTIONS] <NAME>
      -h, --help     Print help information
      -V, --version  Print version information