I have the following database schema (oversimplified):
create sequence partners_partner_id_seq;
create table partners
partner_id integer default nextval('partners_partner_id_seq'::regclass) not null primary key,
name varchar(255) default NULL::character varying,
company_id varchar(20) default NULL::character varying,
vat_id varchar(50) default NULL::character varying,
is_deleted boolean default false not null
INSERT INTO partners(name, company_id, vat_id) VALUES('test1','1010109191191', 'BG1010109191192');
INSERT INTO partners(name, company_id, vat_id) VALUES('test2','1010109191191', 'BG1010109191192');
INSERT INTO partners(name, company_id, vat_id) VALUES('test3','3214567890102', 'BG1010109191192');
INSERT INTO partners(name, company_id, vat_id) VALUES('test4','9999999999999', 'GE9999999999999');
I am trying to figure out how to return test1
, test2
(because the company_id
column value duplicates vertically) and test3
(because the vat_id
column value duplicates vertically as well).
To put it in other words - I need to find duplicating company_id
and vat_id
records and group them together, so that test1
, test2
and test3
would be together, because they duplicate by company_id
and vat_id
So far I have the following query:
SELECT *, LEAD(row, 1) OVER () AS nextrow
FROM partners
WHERE is_deleted = false
AND ((company_id != '' AND company_id IS NOT null) OR (vat_id != '' AND vat_id IS NOT NULL))
WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY company_id, vat_id ORDER BY partner_id DESC)
) x
) y
WHERE (row > 1 OR nextrow > 1)
AND is_deleted = false
This successfully shows all company_id
duplicates, but does not appear to show vat_id
ones - test3
row is missing. Is this possible to be done within one query?
Here is a db-fiddle with the schema, data and predefined query reproducing my result.
You can do this with recursion, but depending on the size of your data you may want to iterate, instead.
The trick is to make the name
just another match key instead of treating it differently than the company_id
and vat_id
create table partners (
partner_id integer generated always as identity primary key,
name text,
company_id text,
vat_id text,
is_deleted boolean not null default false
insert into partners (name, company_id, vat_id) values
('test1','1010109191191', 'BG1010109191192'),
('test2','1010109191191', 'BG1010109191192'),
('test3','3214567890102', 'BG1010109191192'),
('test4','9999999999999', 'GE9999999999999'),
('test5','3214567890102', 'BG8888888888888'),
('test6','2983489023408', 'BG8888888888888')
I added a couple of test cases and left in the lone partner.
with recursive keys as (
select partner_id,
array['n_'||name, 'c_'||company_id, 'v_'||vat_id] as matcher,
array[partner_id] as matchlist,
1 as size
from partners
), matchers as (
select *
from keys
union all
select p.partner_id, c.matcher,
p.matchlist||c.partner_id as matchlist,
p.size + 1
from matchers p
join keys c
on c.matcher && p.matcher
and not p.matchlist @> array[c.partner_id]
), largest as (
select distinct sort(matchlist) as matchlist
from matchers m
where not exists (select 1
from matchers
where matchlist @> m.matchlist
and size > m.size)
-- and size > 1
select *
from largest
matchlist |
{1,2,3,5,6} |
{4} |
Since recursion did not perform, here is an iterative example in plpgsql that uses a temporary table:
create temporary table match1 (
partner_id int not null,
group_id int not null,
matchkey uuid not null
create index on match1 (matchkey);
create index on match1 (group_id);
insert into match1
select partner_id, partner_id, md5('n_'||name)::uuid from partners
union all
select partner_id, partner_id, md5('c_'||company_id)::uuid from partners
union all
select partner_id, partner_id, md5('v_'||vat_id)::uuid from partners;
do $$
declare _cnt bigint;
with consolidate as (
select group_id,
min(group_id) over (partition by matchkey) as new_group_id
from match1
), minimize as (
select group_id, min(new_group_id) as new_group_id
from consolidate
group by group_id
), doupdate as (
update match1
set group_id = m.new_group_id
from minimize m
where m.group_id = match1.group_id
and m.new_group_id != match1.group_id
returning *
select count(*) into _cnt from doupdate;
if _cnt = 0 then
end if;
end loop;