I have a dataset in R which looks like that:
Id | Pb_cit |
1 | 2000(19)|5600(24) |
2 | 3000(79)|87600(198) |
I would like to expand the rows in order to get a dataset that looks like that:
Id | Pb_id | Cites |
1 | 2000 | 19 |
1 | 5600 | 24 |
2 | 3000 | 79 |
2 | 87600 | 198 |
Any help would be very appreciated!
Thanks a lot in advance.
Here's a way with separate_rows
and extract
dat %>%
separate_rows(Pb_cit, sep = "\\|") %>%
extract(Pb_cit, into = c("Pb_id", "Cites"), "(\\d+)\\((\\d+)\\)")
# Id Pb_id Cites
#1 1 2000 19
#2 1 5600 24
#3 2 3000 79
#4 2 87600 198