I've found some sort of similar problems in c, but the solutions are c specific. package main
Here is a minimum working example of the code
import "fmt"
func main() {
var mode string
var base int
for {
fmt.Printf("(Base) [-->]: ")
fmt.Scanf("%d", &base)
fmt.Printf("(Mode) [-->]: ")
fmt.Scanf("%s", &mode)
My issue is that after asking for the mode input, it doesn't wait for input, and immediately skips to the beginning of the loop. Something like this:
(Base) [-->]: 5
(Mode) [-->]: (Base) [-->]:
I had the same problem, changefmt.Scanf("%d", &base)
to fmt.Scanf("%d \n", &base)
. I think it's connected to output of Scanf() where extra newline not being consumed by first scanf. Above code may still work in some device without any errors.
import "fmt"
func main() {
var mode string
var base int
for {
fmt.Printf("(Base) [-->]: ")
fmt.Scanf("%d \n", &base)
fmt.Printf("(Mode) [-->]: ")
fmt.Scanf("%s \n", &mode)