*** Solved thanks to Ben's answer****.
I have to change "NAVIGATION" for "POI" in manifest.
Original question:
I'm working on an "update" of may Android APP to include "Android auto" service for maps. I have tested in DHU and on real device (a car) and everything works fine, but when I wan to launch "google maps" or another "maps app", this code should open it, but it doesn't work. No error but "maps app" doesn't start.
This is the code that I use, into a "onclick element", based on the docs https://developer.android.com/training/cars/apps#user-interaction
var myCoordinates = latitude + "," + longitude
val intent = Intent(CarContext.ACTION_NAVIGATE, Uri.parse("geo:" + myCoordinates))
This is my "manifest" (android auto part)
// android auto
<action android:name="androidx.car.app.CarAppService" />
<category android:name="androidx.car.app.category.NAVIGATION"/>
**** solution *****
// android auto
Any special element that is mandatory in "manifest" to open it properly?
Thanks in advance
The most recently used navigation app is the one that is used to handle the CarContext.ACTION_NAVIGATE
intent. I haven't tried it myself but I would suspect that, if your app is categorized as a navigation app, it is the one receiving the intent.