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Codeigniter 4 Route Resource For Put Not Working Correctly

Why I need to put /1 in front of the url for put (update) in codeigniter 4 version 4.2.6 ?

routes.php :

$routes->resource('ApiManageProfile', ['controller' =>'App\Controllers\ApiData\ApiManageProfile']); // get, put, create, delete



namespace App\Controllers\ApiData;
use App\Controllers\BaseController;
use CodeIgniter\RESTful\ResourceController;
use Codeigniter\API\ResponseTrait;

class ApiManageProfile extends ResourceController

    use ResponseTrait;
    function __construct()

    // equal to get
    public function index()

    // equal to post
    public function create() {        

    // equal to get
    public function show($id = null) {

    // equal to put             
    public function update($id = null) {              
        $id = $this->request->getVar('id');
        $birthday = $this->request->getVar('birthday');
        $phonenumber = $this->request->getVar('phonenumber');
        echo "TESTING";                                                                                                      

    // equal to delete
    public function delete($id = null) {        


Then I use postman to call put with /1 :

The code run correctly.

But if I use postman to call put without /1 :

Then I got this error :

 "title": "CodeIgniter\\Exceptions\\PageNotFoundException",
    "type": "CodeIgniter\\Exceptions\\PageNotFoundException",
    "code": 404,
    "message": "Can't find a route for 'put: ApiManageProfile'.",

For the previous version codeigniter 4 Version 4.1.2 it is working without a problem

I cannot change all my Rest API to use /1 in front of the url for put because my Application is already launch. If I change the code in react native it will need a time to update the application. And people cannot update the data.

Codeigniter 4 seem change something in newest update version 4.2.6. Causing my routes broken in the application.

Seriously need help for this. What I can do ?


  • $routes->resource('ApiManageProfile', ['controller' =>'\App\Controllers\ApiData\ApiManageProfile']); // get, put, create, delete

    generates RESTFUL routes including the following for the PUT action.

    $routes->put('ApiManageProfile/(:segment)', '\App\Controllers\ApiData\ApiManageProfile::update/$1');

    The segment isn't optional.

    If you would like to implement the segment to be optional, exclude it from the generated routes and declare it explicitly that way.

        ['controller' =>'\App\Controllers\ApiData\ApiManageProfile', 'except' => 'update']
    ); // get, create, delete