I got this issues suddenly while debugging on Emulator.
'throw' isn't a type.foundation/changenotifier.dart:125 throw FlutterError( ^^^^^^^^ :
Error: Expected ';' after this. ../…/foundation/changenotifier.dart:125 throw FlutterError( ^^^^^^^^^^^^ : Error:
I had resolved the issues by upgrading to the latest Flutter SDK version 3.3.2.
Actually in Flutter SDK ,If you find the file changenotifier.dart file. at this location /Users/sumitjaiswal/Desktop/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/foundation
You will find this code .
static bool debugAssertNotDisposed(ChangeNotifier notifier) {
assert(() {
if (notifier._debugDisposed) {
throw FlutterError(
'A ${notifier.runtimeType} was used after being disposed.\n'
'Once you have called dispose() on a ${notifier.runtimeType}, it '
'can no longer be used.',
return true;
return true;
This has changed from dfg throw to throw. So,I had just upgrade to latest version of Flutter SDK 3.3.2.