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ColdFusion handling of HTML5 <input type="file" multiple="multiple" />

I am trying to implement an HTML5 input field that lets the user select multiple files to upload. I have the following in my form:

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="index.cfm">
    <input type="file" name="Images" id="Images" multiple="multiple" accept="image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png, application/zip" />

I am able to select multiple files in the browser, then click upload, but I'm not sure how to handle the form post with ColdFusion. I thought the following would work, but this only uploads the last file I selected:

<cfloop list="#attributes.Images#" index="Image">
        destination = "#ExpandPath(Trim(request.TempFolder))#"
        filefield = "Images"
        action = "upload"
        nameconflict = "MakeUnique"
        result = "UploadedTempFile"
    <cfoutput>#UploadedTempFile.serverFile#<br /></cfoutput>

Can someone explain to me how to loop through all the files submitted through my one form field so I can handle the files individually?


  • UPDATE: As of ColdFusion 9 this was true. This has been corrected in ColdFusion 10.

    So to wrap up our comment conversation:

    This simply isn't possible with default ColdFusion behavior. cffile doesn't support handling multiple file uploads from a single file element. I think it could potentially be possible to fallback to JAVA to do this, but I wouldn't have a clue how to make that happen.

    I would love cffile action="uploadall" to grab all HTML5 multi-file elements. Will need to file that as an ER for CF10 :).