I have this this App.js
import './App.css';
import React from 'react'
import Navbar from './COMPONENTS/Navbar'
import Body from './COMPONENTS/Body'
import Menu from './COMPONENTS/Menu';
import './COMPONENTS/Body.css'
import Data from './COMPONENTS/Data' ;
import {
} from "react-router-dom";
import Cakebody from './COMPONENTS/Cakebody';
import Customize from './COMPONENTS/Customize';
import Surprise from './COMPONENTS/Surprise';
import Surpriseone from './COMPONENTS/Surpriseone';
import Birthday from './COMPONENTS/Birthday';
import Flowers from './COMPONENTS/Flower';
import Gotocart from './COMPONENTS/Gotocart';
const App = () => (
{/* const { productItems } = data ; */}
<Navbar />
<Menu />
<Route className="check" path='/' element={<Body title="All Items" />}></Route>
<Route className="check" path='/cakes' element={<Cakebody title="Same Day Cake" />}></Route>
{/* <Route path="/cart" component={Gotocart} /> */}
{/* <Route className="check" path='/cart' element={<Gotocart/>}></Route> */}
<Route className="check" path='/Customize' element={<Customize title="Customization Cake" />}></Route>
<Route className="check" path='/anniversary' element={<Surprise title="Anniversary cakes" />}></Route>
<Route className="check" path='/surprise' element={<Surpriseone title="Surprise Cake" />}></Route>
<Route className="check" path='/birthday' element={<Birthday title="Birthday Cakes" />}></Route>
<Route className="check" path='/flowers' element={<Flowers title="Flowers" />}></Route>
export default App;
And I want to click on the cart and want to move to a different page with no navbar , body and all
That page is this
import React from 'react'
import images from './assets/cake21.jpeg'
import image1 from './assets/cake53.jpeg'
import image2 from './assets/cake61.jpeg'
import image3 from './assets/cake81.jpeg'
import image4 from './assets/cake78.jpeg'
import flower16 from './assets/flower16.jpeg'
import Pricetag from './Pricetag'
import Gotocart from './Gotocart'
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'
export default function Menu() {
return (
<div className="location sample">
<i class="fa-solid fa-location-dot favicon"></i>
We operate in NOIDA and DELHI only.
<div className="go">
<a href="Gotocart.jsx">
<i class="fa-solid fa-cart-shopping"></i>
<hr className="line" />
{/* <hr className="line" /> */}
<div className="about-us">
You can share your designs on WhatsApp
<i class="fa-brands fa-whatsapp"></i>
<a href="https://wa.me/<>" target='_blank' rel="noreferrer" className='no'></a>
we can make the same on the cake.
<hr className="line" />
<div className="main-head">
<div className="new-head">Menu</div>
<div className="info">
Click on the images to see the list below
<div className="container22">
{/* <div className="con112"> */}
<Link to='/cakes' className="menulink con112 ">
<img src={images} alt="" className='img12' />
<div className='name1' >Same Day Cakes</div>
{/* </div> */}
What should I change in these files to move to a new page when I click on the cart icon.
Current code just works like react router and menu nad navbar are right there, I want to remove that also
Wrap Navbar and Menu as explained by another answer into a component like this.
const Layout = (props) => {
<Navbar />
<Menu />
Wrap other components having navbar with the layout component.
<Navbar />
<Menu />
<Route className="check" path='/' element={<Layout><Body title="All Items" /></Layout>}></Route>
<Route className="check" path='/cakes' element={<Layout><Cakebody title="Same Day Cake" /></Layout>}></Route>
<Route path="/cart" component={Gotocart} />
{/* rest of the code same way */}