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Run-time vs develop-time dependencies in R

I'm developing a package (golem) in R, and it returns a NOTE about excess package in an Import (DESCRIPTION):

checking package dependencies … NOTE Imports includes 34 non-default packages. Importing from so many packages makes the package vulnerable to any of them becoming unavailable. Move as many as possible to Suggests and use conditionally.

I have allocated some packages in Suggests (DESCRIPTION), like this:

usethis::use_package(package = "ggplot2", type = "Suggests")
usethis::use_package(package = "MASS", type = "Suggests")

I would like to know :

  • What is the difference between Imports (run-time) vs Suggests (develop-time) and if the latter has anything to do with the term "compile time" of other programming languages.

  • How do I know a package is needed by the user at runtime? Is there any universal rule for this (like a phrase to help you know)? And for Suggests?


  • In R, packages listed in the Imports clause of the DESCRIPTION file must be available or your package won't load. Normally they will all be loaded when your package is loaded, though it's possible to delay that by not importing anything, just using :: notation to access them.

    Packages listed in the Suggests clause don't need to be available, and won't be automatically loaded. To access their functions, you normally call requireNamespace() to find out if the package is available, and if so use :: for access. If it is not available, your package should fail gracefully in whatever the user was trying to do, letting them know that they need to install the missing package if they want the task to succeed.

    These aren't really "run-time" versus "develop-time" differences. It's all run-time.

    There are two things in R that might be called "compile-time" in other languages. The best match is installing your package. That configures it to the particular R version and platform it is running on. R also has a "just-in-time" compiler that optimizes functions, but other than a bit of a speed increase that is pretty much invisible to the user.

    I think @r2evans answered your second question clearly in a comment: the user needs a package to use functions that use that package. If some of your functions that use it are unlikely to be used by most users, use Suggests, and add the test.