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Join multiple collections in MongoDB

Greetings amigo i have one question related joining multiple collection in MongoDb i have collection schema something like below

Posts Collection
    "type": "POST_TYPE",    
    "_id": "63241dffb0f6770c23663230",
    "user_id": "63241dffb0f6770c23663230",
    "post_id": "63241dffb0f6770c23663230",
    "likes": 50
Post Types: 1. Event
    "date": "2022-09-16T07:07:18.242+00:00",    
    "_id": "63241dffb0f6770c23663230",
    "user_id": "63241dffb0f6770c23663230",
    "venue": "Some Place",
    "lat": "null",
    "long": "null",
Post Types: 2. Poll
    "created_date": "2022-09-16T07:07:18.242+00:00",    
    "_id": "63241dffb0f6770c23663230",
    "user_id": "63241dffb0f6770c23663230",
    "question": "Question??????",
    "poll_opt1": "Yes",
    "poll_opt2": "No",
    "poll_opt1_count": "5",
    "poll_opt2_count": "2"

now i have to join Post collection with respective collection e.g.

"post_id" to Event::_id or Poll::_id with condition to Post::type

i have tried aggregation but it does not gave expected output. i am trying to get output something like below

    "type": "event",
    "_id": "63241dffb0f6770c23663230",
    "user_id": "63241dffb0f6770c23663230",
    "post_id": {
      "date": "2022-09-16T07:07:18.242+00:00",
      "_id": "63241dffb0f6770c23663230",
      "user_id": "63241dffb0f6770c23663230",
      "venue": "Some Place",
      "lat": "null",
      "long": "null"
    "likes": 50
    "type": "poll",
    "_id": "63241dffb0f6770c23663230",
    "user_id": "63241dffb0f6770c23663230",
    "post_id": {
      "created_date": "2022-09-16T07:07:18.242+00:00",
      "_id": "63241dffb0f6770c23663230",
      "user_id": "63241dffb0f6770c23663230",
      "question": "Question??????",
      "poll_opt1": "Yes",
      "poll_opt2": "No",
      "poll_opt1_count": "5",
      "poll_opt2_count": "2"
    "likes": 50

is there any efficient way to achieve this or better MongoDb schema to manage these types of records?


  • You can try something like this, using $facet:

        "$facet": {
          "eventPosts": [
              "$match": {
                type: "event"
              "$lookup": {
                "from": "events",
                "localField": "post_id",
                "foreignField": "_id",
                "as": "post_id"
          "pollPosts": [
              "$match": {
                type: "poll"
              "$lookup": {
                "from": "poll",
                "localField": "post_id",
                "foreignField": "_id",
                "as": "post_id"
        "$addFields": {
          "doc": {
            "$concatArrays": [
        "$unwind": "$doc"
        "$replaceRoot": {
          "newRoot": "$doc"
        "$addFields": {
          "post_id": {
            "$cond": {
              "if": {
                "$eq": [
                    "$size": "$post_id"
              "then": {},
              "else": {
                "$arrayElemAt": [

    We do the following, in the query:

    1. Perform two $lookups for the different post_type within $facet. This unfortunately will increase, with the different values of post_type.

    2. Then we combine all the arrays obtained from $facet, using $concatArray.

    3. Then we unwind the concatenated array, and bring the nested document to the root using $replaceRoot.

    4. Finally, for post_id we pick the first array element if it exists, to match the desired output.

    Playground link.