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Check Hall Booking status

I'm making a Hall Booking System, and I've being struggling with the Booking Module

I have 2 tables Halls & Bookings

Halls table With Sample Data

id   hallName   hallType  numSeats  status
1   Hall 1      Normal    500       active
2   Hall 2      VIP       30        active
3   Hall 3      VVIP      5         active
4   Hall 4      Normal    60        active
5   Hall 5      Normal    80        active
6   Hall 4+5    Normal    140       active

Booking Table with Sample Data

id custId hallId beginDate    endDate    time        status
1   1     1      2022-09-26   2022-09-26  morning     confirmed
2   6     4      2022-09-26   2022-09-26  evening     cancelled
3   4     3      2022-09-26   2022-09-26  full time   pending
4   9     4      2022-09-26   2022-09-30  after noon  confirmed

Booking time slots are "morning", "after noon", "evening" & "full time"

I have being trying on the Booking validations as well as a report that shows Halls booking status


After suggestions in the comments I have edited and removed the second part, maybe will post seperately if I can't figure out

Here is what I want to be the result

The records can be filtered by endDate(e.g 2022-09-26)

if Booking exists which is not cancelled for the provided beginDate, the time slot should be labelled as Booked

if a booking does not exist for the provided beginDate or its canclled, the time slot should be labeled as Available

If a full time Booking slot ecists for the provied beginDate, all the time the 3 slots should be labeled as Booked

Here is the twist that may complicate things

As you can see from the Halls table, Hall 6 is a combination of Halls 4 & 5 which means if any of them is booked, Hall 6 should be marked as unavailable or even Booked will be fine.

Overall, here is a sample result based on the above booking table

 hallName   hallType  morning   after noon   evening
hall 1     Normal    Booked      available    available
hall 2     VIP       available   available    available
hall 3     VVIP      Booked      Booked       Booked
hall 4     Normal    available   Booked       available
hall 5     Normal    available   available    available
hall 6     Normal    available   unavailable  available

if we take the Booking Table with Sample data, the result should be as shown above

I'm not that much familiar with Joins, merges, etc which are what I'm thinking the solution is. I tried merge with When matched and when Not matched but could not figure it out to work

I then tried left joining the Halls table to the Booking table seems to be the closest so far and the output is clear.

DECLARE @date NVarchar(50) = '2022-09-26'
SELECT, h.hallName, h.hallType, b.time FROM Halls h LEFT JOIN 
        Bookings b ON WHERE b.beginDate=@date

this returns only Booked halls with beginDate of that

If I drop the WHERE clause, all the 6 halls are returned but time slots which aren't booked are returned as NULL

btw I'm working on the last module and at firts I was working with a single check in date and requirement changed into Range beginDate & endDate & that is when problems arose.


  • Firstly you need to fix your design how are you intend to store information that Hall 6 is a combine of Hall 4 + 5

    One simple way is to add another column in the Halls table that indicate that. Example

    create table Halls
      id int,
      hallName varchar(10),   
      hallType varchar(10),  
      numSeats int,
      status varchar(10),
      combine_id int
    insert into Halls values
    (4,   'Hall 4',      'Normal',     60,       'active', 6),
    (5,   'Hall 5',      'Normal',     80,       'active', 6),
    (6,   'Hall 4+5',    'Normal',    140,       'active', null);

    Once that is in-placed, you need to translate the Bookings to handle the combined Halls. This is perform by the CTE BookingData. It will create row for Hall 6 if Hall 4 or Hall 5 is pending or confirmed. And simiarly the other way round. When Hall 6 is Booked, Hall 4 and Hall 5 will be unavailable.

    After that it is just simple pivoting of data

    The solution:

    DECLARE @date date = '2022-09-26';
    with BookingData as
      select b.hallId, b.time, b.status, beginDate
      from   Bookings b
      union all
      select hallId = h.combine_id, b.time, 
             status = case when b.status in ('pending', 'confirmed')
                           then 'unavailable'
                           else 'available'
      from   Bookings b
             inner join Halls h on b.hallId =
      where  h.combine_id is not null
      union all
      select hallId =, b.time, 
             status = case when b.status in ('pending', 'confirmed')
                           then 'unavailable'
                           else 'available'
      from   Bookings b
           inner join Halls h on b.hallId = h.combine_id
      where  h.combine_id is not null
    SELECT  id, 
            [morning]   = isnull([morning], 'available'), 
            [afternoon] = isnull([afternoon], 'available'), 
            [evening]   = isnull([evening], 'available')
        SELECT, h.hallName, h.hallType, t.timeSlot,
                status = case when b.status in ('pending', 'confirmed') 
                              then 'Booked' 
                              when b.status in ('cancelled')
                              then 'unavailable'
                              when b.status in ('unavailable')
                              then b.status
                              else NULL
        FROM    Halls h 
                LEFT JOIN BookingData b  ON  b.hallId     = 
                                         and b.beginDate  = @date
                OUTER APPLY
                    select timeSlot = 'morning'   where b.time in ('morning', 'full time')
                    union all
                    select timeSlot = 'afternoon' where b.time in ('afternoon', 'full time')
                    union all
                    select timeSlot = 'evening'   where b.time in ('evening', 'full time')
                ) t
    ) D
        MAX (status)
        FOR timeSlot in ( [morning], [afternoon], [evening] )
    ) P

    db<>fiddle demo