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accessing elements in simplejson.load() output

i have a dictionary(?) of data returned from the simplejson.load() function. it looks like this...

{'status': 'OK', 'results': [{'geometry': {'location_type': 'APPROXIMATE', 'bounds': {'northeast': {'lat': 53.86121, 'lng': -2.045072}, 'southwest': {'lat': 53.80570600000001, 'lng': -2.162588}}, 'viewport': {'northeast': {'lat': 53.8697753, 'lng': -2.0725853}, 'southwest': {'lat': 53.81711019999999, 'lng': -2.2006447}}, 'location': {'lat': 53.84345099999999, 'lng': -2.136615}}, 'address_components': [{'long_name': 'Trawden', 'types': ['sublocality', 'political'], 'short_name': 'Trawden'}, {'long_name': 'Colne', 'types': ['locality', 'political'], 'short_name': 'Colne'}, {'long_name': 'Lancashire', 'types': ['administrative_area_level_2', 'political'], 'short_name': 'Lancs'}, {'long_name': 'United Kingdom', 'types': ['country', 'political'], 'short_name': 'GB'}], 'formatted_address': 'Trawden, Colne, Lancashire, UK', 'types': ['sublocality', 'political']}]}

How do I get at e.g. results->geometry->location->lat ?

Is this structure a regular python dictionary?

EDIT: please could someone also explain the simplejson.dumps() function. I don't find the docs very enlightening.


Edit by non-OP: here's the JSON, pretty-printed:

          "long_name":"United Kingdom",
      "formatted_address":"Trawden, Colne, Lancashire, UK",


  • Yes, it is. If you store it in a variable named d, then you would use...


    et cetera. Notice the [0] there due to the fact that the dict with key 'geometry' is inside a list.

    simplejson.load() maps JSON objects to Python dicts and JSON lists to lists. Very straightforward; don't overthink it.

    simplejson.dumps() simply does the opposite of simplejson.loads() - it takes any standard Python object, and dumps it to a string which is a JSON representation of that object. For instance:

    >>> q = {}
    >>> q['foo'] = 'bar'
    >>> q[1] = 'baz'
    >>> simplejson.dumps(q)
    '{"1": "baz", "foo": "bar"}'