Looking for a way to rename columns of all data frames in my R environment.
I have 3 dataframes, which we can call a, b, and c with the respective column names:
# a
AMZN.Open AMZN.Close AMZN.Volume
AAPL.Open AAPL.Close AAPL.Volume
MSFT.Open MSFT.Close MSFT.Volume
I want to rename the columns of all the data frames to "Open", "Close", and "Volume" so they can be binded together (ideally in one call, and a solution robust enough to handle many more than just 3 environment objects).
Is there a way this can be applied?
Here is one way with rename_with
and a user-defined function.
# Create example data frames
dat_a <- data.frame(AMZN.Open = NA, AMZN.Close = NA, AMZN.Volume = NA)
dat_b <- data.frame(AAPL.Open = NA, AAPL.Close = NA, AAPL.Volume = NA)
dat_c <- data.frame(MSFT.Open = NA, MSFT.Close = NA, MSFT.Volume = NA)
dat_list <- list(dat_a, dat_b, dat_c)
# Load the package
# Define a function to rename the column names
col_fun <- function(x){
y <- str_remove(x, pattern = ".*\\.")
# Apply the function with rename_with
dat_list2 <- map(dat_list, ~rename_with(.x, .fn = col_fun))
# Print the results
# [[1]]
# Open Close Volume
# 1 NA NA NA
# [[2]]
# Open Close Volume
# 1 NA NA NA
# [[3]]
# Open Close Volume
# 1 NA NA NA
# Load the package
# Extract the stock ticker
stock_ticker <- function(x){
y <- str_extract(x, pattern = "^.*(?=\\.)")
y <- unique(y)
if (length(y) > 1){
stop("More than one stock ticker")
# Define a function to rename the column names
col_fun <- function(x){
y <- str_remove(x, pattern = ".*\\.")
# Apply the function with rename_with and apply the sotck_ticker function
dat_list2 <- map(dat_list, function(x){
col <- names(x)
ticker <- stock_ticker(col)
x2 <- x %>%
rename_with(.fn = col_fun) %>%
mutate(`Stock Ticker` = ticker)