Creating an app with tkinter that needs some aspect ratios to work petty well, for that I need to keep the ratio of the main window, but if I bind a so when the window refreshes it goes into an infinite loop, any way to check this and only really do when someone gives resize in the app?
def appBinds(self):
def keepRatio(e):
width = int(e.width)
height = int(width/0.75)
self.bind('<Configure>', keepRatio)
To avoid the infinite loop issue, you need to call self.geometry(...)
only when the height is not the expected height as below:
def appBinds(self):
def keepRatio(e):
if e.widget is self:
height = int(e.width / 0.75)
if e.height != height:
self.bind('<Configure>', keepRatio)