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Returning matplotlab figure with Telegram

I am trying to return matplotlib plots using pandas_datareader, matplotlib and Telegram. I have been studying the code here which covers a similar goal: Returning matplotlib plots using telegram bot but I am using a different technique with the telegram bot which does not align.

Mainly I am using update and message.reply_photo.

Docs for message.reply_photo

Here is my code for


def generate_chart(update, context):
    stock = f'^GSPC'
    start =, 1, 1)
    end =
    data = web.DataReader(stock, 'yahoo', start, end)
    plot = data.plot(y='Open')
    img_buf = BytesIO()
    plt.savefig(img_buf, format='png')

    prepared_data = img_buf


def main():
updater = Updater(keys.API_KEY, use_context=True)
dp = updater.dispatcher

dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("stocks", generate_chart))

dp.add_handler(MessageHandler(Filters.text, handle_message))




I am generating a chart using pandas DataReader and then using a file-like BytesIO() object to assign an image buffer which I then try to send with update.message.reply_photo.

The main error I am getting is:

 UserWarning: Starting a Matplotlib GUI outside of the main thread will likely fail.


  • You may need to initialize matplotlib with a non-interactive backend so it won't attempt to initiate a GUI to perform drawing.

    Try putting this at the top of your script:

    import matplotlib
    # the rest of your code here

    You can read more about matplotlib's backends here. The idea is that matplotlib will attempt to default into an interactive backend, which spawns a GUI. GUIs have issues being launched outside of the main thread since they themselves have their own event loop.

    So, I believe you'll want to avoid the interactive backends to get this to work.