Suppose I want to keep who follows who in a simple table that has two fields ;
UserId and FollowedId and I have a simple data set like ;
UserId | FollowedId |
1 | 100 |
2 | 100 |
3 | 100 |
4 | 100 |
5 | 100 |
6 | 100 |
100 | 5 |
100 | 2 |
I just use SELECT*FROM Followers WHERE FollowedId = 100
when I want to list all followers of the user with ID 100.
However, I want the following information in my followers list when I query ;
Who I follow among those following me.
I don't directly want who I follow and who follows like an intersection.
I want the result look like following when I query the follower list of a user with ID 100;
UserId | FollowedId | DoIFollowBack |
1 | 100 | false |
2 | 100 | true |
3 | 100 | false |
4 | 100 | false |
5 | 100 | true |
6 | 100 | false |
I can do it using another query but just wanted to ask the most efficient way of doing it ?
Having another column to keep this bidirectional relation ? Make another query once I get the follower list to see which ones among them I follow ?
You could use an intersect within a CTE to get the userids, and then Case Expression for your third column:
with follow_back as (
select userid, followedid
from my_data
where followedid = 100
select followedid, userid
from my_data)
select userid, followedid,
when userid in (select userid from follow_back) then 'true' else 'false' end DoIFollowBack
from my_data
where followedid = 100
| userid | followedid | DoIFollowBack|
| ------ | ---------- | ------------ |
| 1 | 100 | false |
| 2 | 100 | true |
| 3 | 100 | false |
| 4 | 100 | false |
| 5 | 100 | true |
| 6 | 100 | false |