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Defining a statsmodels state space representation for an observation matrix that depends on both observed and unobserved variables

I am modeling a time series using a Kalman filter in the Python statsmodels package (Python 3.9 and statsmodels 0.13). The state space transition matrix looks like this:

transition matrix

The observation matrix looks like this (note that it depends on both the unobserved variable v as well as past values of the two observed variables p and n):

observation matrix

How might I define this kind of state space equation as a statsmodel MLEModel? I can capture most of this model through:

class AR1(sm.tsa.statespace.MLEModel):
    start_params = [-0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.05, 0.05]  # best guess at initial params
    param_names = ['-psi', '1-phi', 'r_t', 'e_t', 'w_t']
    def __init__(self, endog):
        # Initialize the state space model
        super(AR1, self).__init__(endog, k_states=2, k_posdef=1,

        # Setup the fixed components of the state space representation
        self['design'] = [[1., 1.],
                          [1., 0]]
        self['transition'] = [[1., 0],
                              [1., 0]]
        self['selection', 0, 0] = 1.

    # Describe how parameters enter the model
    def update(self, params, transformed=True, **kwargs):
        params = super(AR1, self).update(params, transformed, **kwargs)

        self['design', 0, 1] = params[0]        # param.0 is -psi
        self['design', 1, 0] = params[1]        # param.1 is (1-phi)
        self['selection', 0, 0] = params[2]     # param.2 is r_t  
        self['obs_cov', 0, 0] = params[3]       # param.3 is e_t
        self['obs_cov', 1, 1] = params[4]       # param.4 is w_t

    # Specify start parameters and parameter names
    def start_params(self):
        return self.start_params

# Create and fit the model
mod = AR1(DepVars)

# Display results
res =

However, I can't seem to figure out how to add the first term of the observation equation, which depends on both psi/phi as well as the prior observations themselves. Is there something I am missing? Perhaps by considering that term as an intercept somehow?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!


  • Yes, you're exactly right, these can be included in the observation intercept term. Here's how I would write this model:

    import numpy as np
    import statsmodels.api as sm
    from statsmodels.tsa.statespace import tools
    class SSM(sm.tsa.statespace.MLEModel):
        # If you use _param_names and _start_params then the model
        # will automatically pick them up
        _param_names = ['phi', 'psi', 'sigma2_r', 'sigma2_e', 'sigma2_w']
        _start_params = [0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 1, 1]
        def __init__(self, endog):
            # Extract lagged endog
            X = sm.tsa.lagmat(endog, maxlag=1, trim='both', original='in')
            endog = X[:, :2]
            self.lagged_endog = X[:, 2:]
            # Initialize the state space model
            # Note: because your state process is nonstationary,
            # you can't use stationary initialization
            super().__init__(endog, k_states=2, k_posdef=1,
            # Setup the fixed components of the state space representation
            self['design'] = [[1., 1.],
                              [1., 0]]
            self['transition'] = [[1., 0],
                                  [1., 0]]
            self['selection'] = [[1],
        # For the parameter estimation part, it is
        # helpful to use parameter transformations to
        # keep the parameters in the valid domain. Here
        # I assumed that you wanted phi and psi to be
        # between (-1, 1).
        def transform_params(self, params):
            params = params.copy()
            for i in range(2):
                params[i:i + 1] = tools.constrain_stationary_univariate(params[i:i + 1])
            params[2:] = params[2:]**2
            return params
        def untransform_params(self, params):
            params = params.copy()
            for i in range(2):
                params[i:i + 1] = tools.unconstrain_stationary_univariate(params[i:i + 1])
            params[2:] = params[2:]**0.5
            return params
        # Describe how parameters enter the model
        def update(self, params, **kwargs):
            params = super().update(params, **kwargs)
            # Here is where we're putting the lagged endog, multiplied
            # by phi and psi into the intercept term
            self['obs_intercept'] = self.lagged_endog.T * params[:2, None]
            self['design', 0, 1] = -params[0]
            self['design', 1, 0] = 1 - params[1]
            self['state_cov', 0, 0] = params[2]
            self['obs_cov'] = np.diag(params[3:5])

    And we can simulate some data and then run the fitting routine to check if it seems to be working correctly:

    rs = np.random.RandomState(12345)
    # Specify some parameters to simulate data and
    # check the model
    nobs = 5000
    params = np.r_[0.2, 0.8, 0.1, 1.5, 2.5]
    # Simulate data
    v = rs.normal(scale=params[2]**0.5, size=nobs + 1).cumsum()
    e = rs.normal(scale=params[3]**0.5, size=nobs + 1)
    w = rs.normal(scale=params[4]**0.5, size=nobs + 1)
    p = np.zeros(nobs + 1)
    n = np.zeros(nobs + 1)
    for t in range(1, nobs):
        p[t] = params[0] * p[t - 1] + v[t] - params[0] * v[t - 1] + e[t]
        n[t] = params[1] * n[t - 1] + (1 - params[1]) * v[t] + w[t]
    y = np.c_[p, n]
    # Run MLE routine on the fitted data
    mod = SSM(y)
    res =
    # Check the estimated parameters
    import pandas as pd
        'True': params,
        'Estimated': res.params
    }, index=mod.param_names).round(2))

    shows me:

              True  Estimated
    phi        0.2       0.17
    psi        0.8       0.81
    sigma2_r   0.1       0.09
    sigma2_e   1.5       1.49
    sigma2_w   2.5       2.47