I have created a custom angular material snackbar and I would like to change it's background colour after a time interval (before it closes). So far I have tried the following code, but the background colour does not change as expected. I am new to Angular...any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.
openSnackBar(isLoading: boolean = true) {
this._snackBar.openFromComponent(SnackbarComponent, {
duration: 5000,
panelClass: isLoading ? "greenClass" : "blueClass",
setTimeout(() => {
isLoading = false;
}, 2000);
I tried to put the setTimeout function inside the ngOnInit() but I was getting an error: Property 'isLoading' does not exist on type 'SnackbarButtonComponent'
Problem with your code is that Property 'isLoading' is not property of snakebar(which directly opens in dom).
You can achive this by using dom query selector
openSnackBar() {
this._snackBar.openFromComponent(SnackbarComponent, {
duration: 5000,
panelClass: ['panelClass'],
setTimeout(() => {
let mysnackbar: any = document.querySelectorAll('.panelClass')[0]; // querying out our panelClass
mysnackbar.style.cssText += 'background-color: #9b8b8b !important'; // changing value
}, 2000);
remember to add panelClass in your global styles(styles.css file).
.panelClass {
background-color: pink; // initial background color
i have created a stackblitz example here