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Multiple templates for Pull Requests on Github

According to documentation I had to create a PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE folder in .github folder.

Then add my pull_request_first_template and into PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE folder.

When I try to open a new PR, no templates are being displayed, not speaking of even switching between them.

Seems like templates are not displaying at all. Is there a solution to that?


  • Short answer, yes there is a solution to this. However, there are a few steps to make this possible:

    1. Create either a .github/ or docs/ directory in your root directory.
    2. Create a directory inside called PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.
    3. Create as many templates as you'd like within this directory, let's say and
    4. Begin making a pull request and append the URL with: "&"

    My example URL looks like:<org>/<repo-name>/compare/main...test-branch?

    enter image description here