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Decoding a JSON response that exists only out of an array

I have an problem with decoding an JSON respone. I've tried to solve this problem for a couple off weeks and can't find an working solution online.

This is my Go code that gets the response:

package main

import (



const (
    binanceUrl_0 = ""
    binanceUrl_1 = ""
    binanceUrl_2 = ""
    binanceUrl_3 = ""

    //select which url to use
    binanceUrl = binanceUrl_0

    binance_GetServerTime   = binanceUrl + "/api/v3/time"
    binance_Ping            = binanceUrl + "/api/v3/ping"
    binance_GetExhangeInfo  = binanceUrl + "/api/v3/exchangeInfo"
    binance_GetExhangeInfo_Symbol   = binanceUrl + "/api/v3/exchangeInfo?symbol=BNBBTC"
    binance_GetKlineData    = binanceUrl + "/api/v1/klines"

type Binance_klines struct {
    OpenTime        int64       

    open            float32     
    high            float32     
    low             float32     
    close           float32     
    volume          float32     
    CloseTime        int64      
    QuoteVolume      float32    
    NumTrades        int64      
    TakerBaseVolume  float32    
    TakerQuoteVolume float32    

func GetKlines_wEndTime(symbol string, interval string, limit int, endTime time.Time) ([]Binance_klines, error) {
    var url string
    url = binance_GetKlineData + "?" +
         "symbol=" + symbol + 
         "&interval=" + interval + 
         "&limit=" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(limit), 10) + 
         "&endTime=" + strconv.FormatInt(endTime.Unix(),10 ) + "000"

    response, err := http.Get(url)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    data, err := respToKlines(response.Body)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return data, nil

func respToKlines(data io.Reader)  ([]Binance_klines, error) {
    var klines []Binance_klines

    var decoded []interface{}
    decoder := json.NewDecoder(data)    
    err := decoder.Decode(&decoded)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err 

    //Attempt 1:
    //kline = (decoded).([]Binance_klines)
    //err: invalid operation: (decoded) (variable of type []interface{}) is not an interface

    //Attempt 2:
    for i:=0; i<len(decoded); i++ {  
        to_parse := decoded[i]

        //prints: to_parse [1.66427838e+12 20982.91000000 20992.61000000 20977.90000000 20980.95000000 0.68063000 1.664278439999e+12 14282.75833530 57 0.27942000 5864.01792110 0]
        var kline Binance_klines
        kline = (to_parse).(Binance_klines)
        //err: interface conversion: interface {} is []interface {}, not dsBinance.Binance_klines   

    return klines, nil

func main() {
    result, err := GetKlines_wEndTime( "BTCEUR", "1m", 3, time.Now() )
    fmt.Println(result, err)

This is an reponse I get (converted to string from bytes):


My question is, what am I doing wrong? When I use a tool like, it wants me to make an [][]interface{}. But in my for loop you can see that it prints an (in my eyes) a valid: []interface{} but i cannot convert it to an struct of type Binance_Klines. Is something wrong with this line:

kline = (to_parse).(Binance_klines)

Or am I just misunderstanding something? What do I need to change to be able to use the type assertion? Or to just decode it at once to the right struct?


  • You cannot cast []interface{} to Binance_klines. So kline = (to_parse).(Binance_klines) fails. You have to write the translation yourself.

    The data returned is a 2 dimensional array. Here is the json payload you have formatted. The types are a mix of string and float64, so Go uses interface{} to store the values.


    The json decoder cannot convert this into your Binance_klines struct. But you can override the default unmarshal behavior yourself.

    First I made a type for the sometimes quoted numbers, sometimes not.

    type BinanceNumber string
    func (b *BinanceNumber) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
        *b = BinanceNumber(strings.Trim(string(data), "\""))
        return nil
    func (b BinanceNumber) Float64() float64 {
        f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(b), 64)
        if err != nil {
        return f
    func (b BinanceNumber) Int64() int64 {
        i, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(b), 10, 64)
        if err != nil {
        return i

    Then you override the Binance_klines unmarshal.

    func (b *Binance_klines) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
        var array []BinanceNumber
        err := json.Unmarshal(data, &array)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        b.OpenTime = array[0].Int64()
        b.Open = float32(array[1].Float64())
        b.High = float32(array[2].Float64())
        b.Low = float32(array[3].Float64())
        b.Close = float32(array[4].Float64())
        b.Volume = float32(array[5].Float64())
        b.CloseTime = array[6].Int64()
        b.QuoteVolume = float32(array[7].Float64())
        b.NumTrades = array[8].Int64()
        b.TakerBaseVolume = float32(array[9].Float64())
        b.TakerQuoteVolume = float32(array[10].Float64())
        return nil

    Putting it all together: