Search code examples

VBA find and move a cell with exact word - more complex than the title suggests

I promise I have searched for this answer before coming here to ask;

I'm trying to create a VBA to search column J for the word "To". If it is found it needs to move the cell to column L.

What I am struggling with is that it only needs to move if "To" is on its own. I have cells that contain, for example, "To Sarah" but these need to stay in its place.

Can anyone suggest a workaround? Many thanks Pip


  • See the comments in the code for explanation.

    Option Explicit
    Public Sub Example()
        ' define worksheet
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        ' find last used row in column J
        Dim LastRow As Long
        LastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "J").End(xlUp).Row
        ' collect all cells with "To" in this variable
        Dim FoundCells As Range
        Dim iRow As Long
        For iRow = 1 To LastRow  ' loop through cells in J
            If ws.Cells(iRow, "J").Value = "To" Then  ' check if the cell is "To"
                ' if yes add the cell to FoundCells
                If FoundCells Is Nothing Then  ' first cell found
                    Set FoundCells = ws.Cells(iRow, "J")
                Else  ' all other cells found
                    Set FoundCells = Union(FoundCells, ws.Cells(iRow, "J"))
                End If
            End If
        Next iRow
        If Not FoundCells Is Nothing Then
            ' copy found "To" values 2 columns to the right
            FoundCells.Offset(ColumnOffset:=2).Value = FoundCells.Value
            ' delete found "To" vaules (from column J)
            MsgBox "No cells with ""To"" were found."
        End If
    End Sub

    We loop through all used cells in column J, check each cell if it is To and if so collect the cell in FoundCells. In the end we copy the To values from those cells 2 columns to the right and delete the To values in the found cells.