I'm starting in Python and I'm trying to output in a QPlainTextEdit the Pearson's, Spearman's and Kendall's correlation using the function "print_correlation_results". But when I try to do it, I get this error, how can I solve it?
def correlation_files(self):
if widgets.optLoadFiles.isChecked():
if not result_file.error:
if len(parameters_list)==2:
widgets.txtParametersResult.setPlainText(widgets.txtParametersResult.toPlainText()+"\n"+self.print_correlation_results()) #Here I call the function
def print_correlation_results(self):
parameters = widgets.cmbParametersFile.currentText()
parameters_list = parameters.split(", ")
FileName = widgets.txtDataFile.text()
result_file = ResultFile(FileName)
if not result_file.error:
if len(parameters_list)==2:
measurements = result_file.get_params(parameters_list)
data1 = measurements[parameters_list[0]]["measure"]
data2 = measurements[parameters_list[1]]["measure"]
# calculate correlation
corr, pvalue = pearsonr(data1, data2) # Pearson's r, valor p
corr2, pvalue2 = spearmanr(data1, data2) # Spearman's rho, valor p
corr3, pvalue3 = kendalltau(data1, data2) # Kendall's tau, valor p
print_correlation_results =" - Pearsons correlation:\t " + corr + pvalue + "\n"
print_correlation_results +=" - Spearmanr correlation:\t" + corr2 + pvalue2 + "\n"
print_correlation_results +=" - kendalltau correlation:\t" + corr3 + pvalue3 + "\n"
Exactly what the error says. First of all you need to tell us in what line it found the error, because I'm gonna make a guess right now. I think the line was this one:
print_correlation_results =" - Pearsons correlation:\t " + corr + pvalue + "\n"
It's as if you'd be saying:
"asdf" + 5
You can't do that. In this case it's a numpy float, not an integer. But it's the same thing. corr, pvalue or both of them isnt a string. So you need to make them a string before you concatenate it with " - Pearsons correlation:\t "