I have a bot running from a desktop <> ngrok <> azure <> MS Teams as a webchat. It is written in Python. Is there a way I can read the field from.name via Botframework/Python (the string USERNAME in the example below)?
The documentation says to use recipient.name, but my recipient.name is the bot's name as it is being run as a webchat (not installed in MS Teams).
I see the following POST API info via ngrok.
{ "text": "hello...",
"textFormat": "plain",
"type": "message",
"timestamp": "2022-09-25T05:26:29.629655Z",
"localTimestamp": "2022-09-25T13:26:29.629655+08:00",
"id": "XXXXXX",
"channelId": "msteams",
"serviceUrl": "https://smba.trafficmanager.net/XXXX",
"from": { "id": "XXXXX", "name": "USERNAME", "aadObjectId": "XXXX" },
"conversation": { "conversationType": "personal", "tenantId": "XXXX", "id": "XXXXXX" },
"recipient": { "id": "XXXXXXX", "name": "BOTNAME" },
"entities": [ { "locale": "en-US", "country": "XX", "platform": "iOS", "timezone": "XX/XX", "type": "clientInfo" } ], "channelData": {"tenant": {"id": "XXXXXX"}},"locale": "en-US","localTimezone": "XX/XX"}
If you want to read the field from.name via Botframework/Python.You can use the below code-
name = turn_context.activity.from_property.name
await turn_context.send_activity(
f"It is a good practice to welcome the user and provide personal greeting. For example: Welcome {name}"
Reference Sample-https://github.com/microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/blob/main/samples/python/03.welcome-user/bots/welcome_user_bot.py#L100