I have the following Gijgo tree and use this code to get all the selected items when a change is made
Tree.on('checkboxChange', function (e, $node, record, state) {
var dr;
if (state != 'indeterminate') {
$.each(Areas, function (i, e) {
if (e.name == record.text) {
dr = e;
return false;
if (dr != undefined) {
//do stuff
How do I get the name OKX first. At the moment when I check the OKX box the above will start with D613 and do the rest at that level and OKX will be last. Is there a way to get OKX ('the parent') out before the other sub items. (Note: OKX is not a member of the group "Areas" but D613 , D652 etc are, if that helps)
Thank you
Couldn't get it to work as I originally requested so did the following so all the subitems did not have a check box thus their name was not returned to me.
$("#Tree > ul > li > ul span[data-role='checkbox']").hide(); //so the children of the Areas do not have checkboxes