Here am trying to loop through an observable using the async pipe and its showing that the object is null.
<ul class="list-group" *ngFor="let i of (ingredients | async).ingredient;let val=index">
<a class="list-group-item" style="cursor:pointer;" (click)="editIngredients(val)">{{}} {{i.number}}</a>
export class ShoppingListComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private scr:ShoppingService,private testingService:TestingServices,
private store:Store<{ModuleActivateReducer:{ingredient:ingredients[]}}>) { }
ngOnInit() {'ModuleActivateReducer')
console.log(this.ingredients,"store data ing")
The expression ingredients | async
will evaluate to null
until the observable emits a value. So attempting to access a property like (ingredients | async).ingredient
will initially give you an error.
You can avoid this by using optional chaining (?
If the object is undefined or null, it returns undefined instead of throwing an error
<ul *ngFor="let i of (ingredients | async)?.ingredient">