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Segmentation Fault in C while loop to populate array

The file is a .bin file. When calling function in the terminal, the program opens the file and the segmentation faults. Have I mixed up one of my types or maybe not used a pointer properly? Any help is much appreciated, thank you for taking a look

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    Student bank[20];
    FILE * rfile;
    Student *pStudent;
    int i=0, n,  end, count=0;
    float graded;
    char *stufile, name[256];
    if (argc < 2)
        stufile = (char *)malloc(MAX_NAME+1);
        printf("What file would you like to open? ");
        scanf("%s", stufile);
        if (stufile ==NULL) return 1; 
        stufile = argv[1];
    // open file
    rfile = fopen(stufile,"rb");
    if (rfile == NULL){
        printf("File not found\n");
        return 1;
        printf("\n\n%-20s %-10s %10s\n","Name", "E-mail", "Grade");

        fseek(rfile, 0, SEEK_END);
        end = ftell(rfile); // will get to the EOF returning a int
        fseek(rfile,0,SEEK_SET); // set cursor back
// I think this is seg fault??
        while(fread(&bank[i++], sizeof(Student), 1, rfile) == 1){
            if(feof(rfile)) break;
    for (i=0; i<count; ++i){
            // print student info
        printf("%-20s, %s %-10s %d%%\n",  bank[i].lastName, bank[i].firstName,
        bank[i].emailAddress, bank[i].grade);
        n = n + bank[i].grade;
    graded = n/count;
    printf("Average Grade:\t\t%.2f", graded);   
    return 0;
Good news no longer seg fault now it is printing off[![enter image description here][1]][1]



  • Because you are using i in &bank[i++] without initializing it.