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tsconfig's outDir vs esbuild's outdir

What is the difference between tsconfig's outDir vs esbuild's outdir? Seems like the do the same thing. esbuild supposedly detects the tsconfig, so which should I use? This is for a TypeScript library on npm.


  • Only certain features of tsconfig.json are used by esbuild:

    esbuild currently only inspects the following fields in tsconfig.json files:

    • alwaysStrict
    • baseUrl
    • extends
    • importsNotUsedAsValues
    • jsx
    • jsxFactory
    • jsxFragmentFactory
    • jsxImportSource
    • paths
    • preserveValueImports
    • target
    • useDefineForClassFields

    Therefore you should use esbuild's outdir, the outDir configuration in tsfonfig.json will have no effect.