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How to check if dataframe columns contains any information except NULL/EMPTY and show them in a new column in python polars?

I have a dataframe


enter image description here

Here I would like to add a new column which contains the field names that do hold on any information except NULL/EMPTY/NAN.

For example:

first row: it has last,first and number field information, and dob is NULL, hence a new column conso_field is filled in with these field names such as last_name,first_name_or_initial and number. like wise I need to get this done for all the rows.

Here is an expected output:

enter image description here


  • First, let's expand the example to show a row with all null/empty fields (to show how the algorithm handles this case).

    import polars as pl
    import numpy as np
    df = pl.DataFrame(
            "last_name": ["Unknown", "Mallesham", None, "Bhavik", "Unknown", None],
            "first_name_or_initial": ["U", None, "TRUE", "yamulla", None, None],
            "number": ["003123490", "012457847", "100030303", "", "0023004648", None],
            "date_of_birth": [None, "12/09/1900", "12/09/1900", "12/09/1900", None, None],
    shape: (6, 4)
    │ last_name ┆ first_name_or_initial ┆ number     ┆ date_of_birth │
    │ ---       ┆ ---                   ┆ ---        ┆ ---           │
    │ str       ┆ str                   ┆ str        ┆ str           │
    │ Unknown   ┆ U                     ┆ 003123490  ┆ null          │
    │ Mallesham ┆ null                  ┆ 012457847  ┆ 12/09/1900    │
    │ null      ┆ TRUE                  ┆ 100030303  ┆ 12/09/1900    │
    │ Bhavik    ┆ yamulla               ┆            ┆ 12/09/1900    │
    │ Unknown   ┆ null                  ┆ 0023004648 ┆ null          │
    │ null      ┆ null                  ┆ null       ┆ null          │

    The Algorithm

    df = df.with_row_index()
            .filter(pl.col("value").is_not_null() & (pl.col("value") != ""))
    shape: (6, 6)
    │ index ┆ last_name ┆ first_name_or_initial ┆ number     ┆ date_of_birth ┆ conso_field                     │
    │ ---   ┆ ---       ┆ ---                   ┆ ---        ┆ ---           ┆ ---                             │
    │ u32   ┆ str       ┆ str                   ┆ str        ┆ str           ┆ str                             │
    │ 0     ┆ Unknown   ┆ U                     ┆ 003123490  ┆ null          ┆ last_name,first_name_or_initia… │
    │ 1     ┆ Mallesham ┆ null                  ┆ 012457847  ┆ 12/09/1900    ┆ last_name,number,date_of_birth  │
    │ 2     ┆ null      ┆ TRUE                  ┆ 100030303  ┆ 12/09/1900    ┆ first_name_or_initial,number,d… │
    │ 3     ┆ Bhavik    ┆ yamulla               ┆            ┆ 12/09/1900    ┆ last_name,first_name_or_initia… │
    │ 4     ┆ Unknown   ┆ null                  ┆ 0023004648 ┆ null          ┆ last_name,number                │
    │ 5     ┆ null      ┆ null                  ┆ null       ┆ null          ┆ null                            │

    Note that the algorithm keeps the last row with all null/empty values.

    How it works

    To see how it works, let's take it in steps. First, we'll need to attach a row number to each row. (This is needed in case any row has all null/empty values.)

    Then we'll use unpivot to place each value in each column on a separate row, next to it's column name.

    df = df.with_row_index()
    shape: (24, 3)
    │ index ┆ variable      ┆ value      │
    │ ---   ┆ ---           ┆ ---        │
    │ u32   ┆ str           ┆ str        │
    │ 0     ┆ last_name     ┆ Unknown    │
    │ 1     ┆ last_name     ┆ Mallesham  │
    │ 2     ┆ last_name     ┆ null       │
    │ 3     ┆ last_name     ┆ Bhavik     │
    │ 4     ┆ last_name     ┆ Unknown    │
    │ …     ┆ …             ┆ …          │
    │ 1     ┆ date_of_birth ┆ 12/09/1900 │
    │ 2     ┆ date_of_birth ┆ 12/09/1900 │
    │ 3     ┆ date_of_birth ┆ 12/09/1900 │
    │ 4     ┆ date_of_birth ┆ null       │
    │ 5     ┆ date_of_birth ┆ null       │

    Note that columns values will be converted to string values in this step.

    Next, we'll filter out any rows with null or "" values.

    df = df.with_row_index()
        .filter(pl.col("value").is_not_null() & (pl.col("value") != ""))
    shape: (14, 3)
    │ index ┆ variable              ┆ value      │
    │ ---   ┆ ---                   ┆ ---        │
    │ u32   ┆ str                   ┆ str        │
    │ 0     ┆ last_name             ┆ Unknown    │
    │ 1     ┆ last_name             ┆ Mallesham  │
    │ 3     ┆ last_name             ┆ Bhavik     │
    │ 4     ┆ last_name             ┆ Unknown    │
    │ 0     ┆ first_name_or_initial ┆ U          │
    │ …     ┆ …                     ┆ …          │
    │ 2     ┆ number                ┆ 100030303  │
    │ 4     ┆ number                ┆ 0023004648 │
    │ 1     ┆ date_of_birth         ┆ 12/09/1900 │
    │ 2     ┆ date_of_birth         ┆ 12/09/1900 │
    │ 3     ┆ date_of_birth         ┆ 12/09/1900 │

    In the next step, we'll aggregate up all the remaining rows by row number, keeping only the column names. These represent columns with non-null, non-empty values.

    df = df.with_row_index()
        .filter(pl.col("value").is_not_null() & (pl.col("value") != ""))
    shape: (5, 2)
    │ index ┆ conso_field                     │
    │ ---   ┆ ---                             │
    │ u32   ┆ list[str]                       │
    │ 3     ┆ ["last_name", "first_name_or_i… │
    │ 0     ┆ ["last_name", "first_name_or_i… │
    │ 1     ┆ ["last_name", "number", "date_… │
    │ 2     ┆ ["first_name_or_initial", "num… │
    │ 4     ┆ ["last_name", "number"]         │

    Note that we get a list of column names for each row. (Note: we don't need to worry about the order of the rows at this point. We'll use the row number and a left-join in the last step recombine the values to the original DataFrame.)

    Then, it's simply a matter of joining the columns names into one string:

    df = df.with_row_index()
        .filter(pl.col("value").is_not_null() & (pl.col("value") != ""))
    shape: (5, 2)
    │ index ┆ conso_field                     │
    │ ---   ┆ ---                             │
    │ u32   ┆ str                             │
    │ 1     ┆ last_name,number,date_of_birth  │
    │ 3     ┆ last_name,first_name_or_initia… │
    │ 0     ┆ last_name,first_name_or_initia… │
    │ 2     ┆ first_name_or_initial,number,d… │
    │ 4     ┆ last_name,number                │

    From here, we simply use a "left join" to merge the data back to the original dataset (as shown at the beginning.)