im getting a problem when using graphql in parse platform
i want running a multiple mutation update with single mutation or batch. i have success when creating data, but for updating data im getting error.
im try like this
mutation ($objectId1: ID!, $objectId2: ID!) {
update1: updateCourse(
objectId: $objectId1
fields: { title: "HEBOH", slug: "HEBOH ITU KEREN ANJIR" }
update2: updateCourse(
objectId: $objectId2
fields: { title: "HEBOH", slug: "HEBOH ITU KEREN ANJIR" }
anyone can give me an example for this? Thankyou
in some time, I found the answer about it. simple, I forgot to add updatedAt
mutation ($objectId1: ID!, $objectId2: ID!) {
update1: updateCourse(
objectId: $objectId1
fields: { title: "HEBOH", slug: "HEBOH ITU KEREN ANJIR" }
) { updatedAt },
update2: updateCourse(
objectId: $objectId2
fields: { title: "HEBOH", slug: "HEBOH ITU KEREN ANJIR" }
) { updatedAt }