I have an XML document that I have parsed into JSON. The element values have an odd structure.
"id": [
"artnr": [
"categories": [
"category": [
"cat": [
"id": [
"title": [
"id": [
"title": [
The top-level elements I use
@IsString({ each: true })
I am unclear about how to add the categories element into the DTO.
Any pointers will be great.
I usually go through each property when I know the data structure.
export class Cat {
@IsString({ each: true })
id: string;
@IsString({ each: true })
title: string;
export class CatExtra {
@ValidateNested({ each: true })
@Type(() => Cat)
cat : Cat[]
export class Category {
@ValidateNested({ each: true })
@Type(() => CatExtra)
category : CatExtra[]
export class Categories {
@ValidateNested({ each: true })
@Type(() => Category)
categories : Category[]
in you main.ts, enable enableImplicitConversion so that nested properties gets valdiated
import { ValidationPipe } from '@nestjs/common';
new ValidationPipe({
transformOptions: {
enableImplicitConversion: true, // allow conversion underneath