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Discord.js: The "listener" argument must be of type function. Returning undefined

I have this script that's supposed to create a Minecraft server using spawn(), and it WAS working, before I added a line to remove all event handlers from the server process. For some reason it just crashes at the line I just added, showing the error The "listener" argument must be of type function. Returning undefined. I don't have a clue of what to do.

Here's the parts that are relevant to my issue in the script

require("dotenv").config();                                                 // Initialize dotenv
const {Client, GatewayIntentBits, MessageType} = require("discord.js");     // Import discord.js
var spawn = require("child_process").spawn;

// Minecraft server info
mcserver = {
    dir : "", // The path to the server directory
    running : false, // Whether it's running or not
    ip : "", // The server's IP address
    process : -1, // The server's spawn() process

// Part where the server starts
let statusBase = "Opening server...\n";
let statusMessage = await + "` `"); 

mcserver.running = true;
mcserver.process = spawn("java", [
        cwd: mcserver.dir,

function onData (data) {
    statusMessage.edit(statusBase + "`" + data.toString() + "`");
    if (data.indexOf("Done") != -1) {
        console.log("done received");; // This is the line that's throwing the error

mcserver.process.stdout.on("data", onData);
mcserver.process.stderr.on("data", onData);


  • process is an instance of EventEmitter. (Alias to EventEmitter.removeListener) removes a listener for a specific event. You must specify the event and listener of that event that you're trying to remove. Example:

    function onData(data) {
    process.stdout.on('data', onData)'data' onData) // Remove the onData listener from the 'data' event type

    You may also remove all listeners for a specific event with removeAllListeners


    To remove all listeners from an EventEmitter (for all event types), use removeAllListeners without the event type argument
