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Unit testing camel routes containing serviceCall()

I have a camel route that reaches out to a URL and does some processing with the results:

    .process(e -> {
        //Do Stuff

I can run unit test on that route without making an actual call to the URL by intercepting the call in my unit test like follows:

AdviceWith.adviceWith(context, "urlRouteId", a ->

I’m updating that route to use .serviceCall() instead to look up the actual URL of the service, something like this:

    .process(e -> {
        //Do Stuff

This works great, but I don’t know how to do a similar unit test on this route. Is there some sort of LoadBalancerClient I can use for testing? What is the standard way to unit test routes with service calls? I've been googling around for awhile and haven't had much luck, any ideas?



  • You can give serviceCall endpoint an id and then use weaveById.

        .log(LoggingLevel.INFO, "body ${body}");
    AdviceWith.adviceWith(context(), "urlRouteId", a -> {
            .setBody().simple("Hello from service");

    Alternatively if service is a bean in camel registry then you could probably override bindToRegistry method and use Mockito to create a mock service.

    Also instead of using interceptSendToEndpoint it would likely be much simpler to just use weaveByToUri("http*").replace() instead.

    Example generic method for replacing http-endpoints

    private void replaceHttpEndpointWithSimpleResponse(String routeId, String simpleResponse) throws Exception {
            AdviceWith.adviceWith(context(), routeId, a -> {